
Source code for fbgemm_gpu.split_table_batched_embeddings_ops_training

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict
# pyre-ignore-all-errors[56]

import contextlib
import enum
import functools
import logging
import math
import os
import uuid
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import accumulate
from math import log2
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import torch  # usort:skip
from torch import nn, Tensor  # usort:skip

# @manual=//deeplearning/fbgemm/fbgemm_gpu/codegen:split_embedding_codegen_lookup_invokers
import fbgemm_gpu.split_embedding_codegen_lookup_invokers as invokers

from fbgemm_gpu.config import FeatureGate, FeatureGateName
from fbgemm_gpu.runtime_monitor import (
from fbgemm_gpu.split_embedding_configs import EmbOptimType as OptimType, SparseType
from fbgemm_gpu.split_table_batched_embeddings_ops_common import (
from fbgemm_gpu.split_table_batched_embeddings_ops_training_common import (

from fbgemm_gpu.utils.loader import load_torch_module, load_torch_module_bc

except Exception:

DEFAULT_ASSOC = 32 if torch.version.hip is None else 64

class DoesNotHavePrefix(Exception):

class ComputeDevice(enum.IntEnum):
    CPU = 0
    CUDA = 1
    MTIA = 2

class WeightDecayMode(enum.IntEnum):
    NONE = 0
    L2 = 1
    DECOUPLE = 2
    COUNTER = 3
    COWCLIP = 4

class CounterWeightDecayMode(enum.IntEnum):
    NONE = 0
    L2 = 1
    DECOUPLE = 2

class StepMode(enum.IntEnum):
    NONE = 0
    USE_ITER = 2

class LearningRateMode(enum.IntEnum):
    EQUAL = -1

class GradSumDecay(enum.IntEnum):
    NO_DECAY = -1
    CTR_DECAY = 0

class TailIdThreshold:
    val: float = 0
    is_ratio: bool = False

class CounterBasedRegularizationDefinition:
    counter_weight_decay_mode: CounterWeightDecayMode = CounterWeightDecayMode.NONE
    counter_halflife: int = -1
    adjustment_iter: int = -1
    adjustment_ub: float = 1.0
    learning_rate_mode: LearningRateMode = LearningRateMode.EQUAL
    grad_sum_decay: GradSumDecay = GradSumDecay.NO_DECAY
    tail_id_threshold: TailIdThreshold = field(default_factory=TailIdThreshold)
    max_counter_update_freq: int = 1000

class CowClipDefinition:
    counter_weight_decay_mode: CounterWeightDecayMode = CounterWeightDecayMode.NONE
    counter_halflife: int = -1
    weight_norm_coefficient: float = 0.0
    lower_bound: float = 0.0

class GlobalWeightDecayDefinition:
    start_iter: int = 0
    lower_bound: float = 0.0

# Keep in sync with fbgemm_gpu/include/fbgemm_gpu/split_embeddings_cache_cuda.cuh
class UVMCacheStatsIndex(enum.IntEnum):
    num_calls = 0
    num_requested_indices = 1
    num_unique_indices = 2
    num_unique_misses = 3
    num_conflict_unique_misses = 4
    num_conflict_misses = 5

def construct_split_state(
    embedding_specs: List[Tuple[int, int, EmbeddingLocation, ComputeDevice]],
    rowwise: bool,
    cacheable: bool,
    precision: SparseType = SparseType.FP32,
    int8_emb_row_dim_offset: int = INT8_EMB_ROW_DIM_OFFSET,
    placement: Optional[EmbeddingLocation] = None,
) -> SplitState:
    placements: List[EmbeddingLocation] = []
    offsets: List[int] = []
    dev_size: int = 0
    host_size: int = 0
    uvm_size: int = 0
    for num_embeddings, embedding_dim, location, _ in embedding_specs:
        assert (
            embedding_dim % 4 == 0
        ), f"embedding_dim must be a multiple of 4, but got {embedding_dim}"
        if precision == SparseType.INT8:
            embedding_dim += int8_emb_row_dim_offset
        state_size = num_embeddings * embedding_dim if not rowwise else num_embeddings
        location = placement if placement is not None else location
        if location == EmbeddingLocation.HOST:
            host_size += state_size
        # If table is on device, then opimtizer is on device.
        # If table is managed, then if optimizer state is rowwise, optimizer is on device, otherwise optimizer is managed.
        elif location == EmbeddingLocation.DEVICE or rowwise:
            dev_size += state_size
            if cacheable and location == EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED_CACHING:
            uvm_size += state_size
    assert len(placements) == len(offsets)
    return SplitState(

def apply_split_helper(
    persistent_state_fn: Callable[[str, Tensor], None],
    set_attr_fn: Callable[
        [str, Union[Tensor, List[int], List[EmbeddingLocation]]], None
    current_device: torch.device,
    use_cpu: bool,
    feature_table_map: List[int],
    split: SplitState,
    prefix: str,
    dtype: Type[torch.dtype],
    enforce_hbm: bool = False,
    make_dev_param: bool = False,
    dev_reshape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None,
    uvm_tensors_log: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    uvm_host_mapped: bool = False,
) -> None:
    set_attr_fn(f"{prefix}_physical_placements", split.placements)
    set_attr_fn(f"{prefix}_physical_offsets", split.offsets)

    offsets = [split.offsets[t] for t in feature_table_map]
    placements = [split.placements[t] for t in feature_table_map]
        torch.tensor(offsets, device=current_device, dtype=torch.int64),
        torch.tensor(placements, device=current_device, dtype=torch.int32),
    if split.dev_size > 0:
        dev_buffer = torch.zeros(
            # pyre-fixme[6]
        dev_buffer = (
            dev_buffer.view(*dev_reshape) if dev_reshape is not None else dev_buffer
        # pyre-fixme[6]
        dev_buffer = torch.empty(0, device=current_device, dtype=dtype)
    if make_dev_param:
        set_attr_fn(f"{prefix}_dev", nn.Parameter(dev_buffer))
        persistent_state_fn(f"{prefix}_dev", dev_buffer)
    if split.host_size > 0:
        if dtype == torch.uint8:
                    # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Optional[Type[torch._dtype]]` for
                    #  3rd param but got `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]`.
                        # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Optional[Type[torch._dtype]]`
                        #  for 3rd param but got `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]`.
        if uvm_tensors_log is not None:
            # pyre-fixme[6]: For 3rd param expected `dtype` but got `Type[dtype]`.
            torch.empty(0, device=current_device, dtype=dtype),
    if split.uvm_size > 0:
        assert not use_cpu
        if enforce_hbm:
  "Enforce hbm for the cache location")
                    # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Optional[Type[torch._dtype]]` for
                    #  3rd param but got `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]`.
                        # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Optional[Type[torch._dtype]]`
                        #  for 3rd param but got `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]`.
                        torch.zeros(1, device=current_device, dtype=dtype),
            if uvm_tensors_log is not None:
            # pyre-fixme[6]: For 3rd param expected `dtype` but got `Type[dtype]`.
            torch.empty(0, device=current_device, dtype=dtype),

# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `uvm_cache_stats` is never initialized.
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `local_uvm_cache_stats` is never initialized.
[docs]class SplitTableBatchedEmbeddingBagsCodegen(nn.Module): """ Table Batched Embedding (TBE) operator. Looks up one or more embedding tables. The module is application for training. The backward operator is fused with optimizer. Thus, the embedding tables are updated during backward. Args: embedding_specs (List[Tuple[int, int, EmbeddingLocation, ComputeDevice]]): A list of embedding specifications. Each spec describes a specification of a physical embedding table. Each one is a tuple of number of embedding rows, embedding dimension (must be a multiple of 4), table placement (`EmbeddingLocation`), and compute device (`ComputeDevice`). Available `EmbeddingLocation` options are (1) `DEVICE` = placing an embedding table in the GPU global memory (HBM) (2) `MANAGED` = placing an embedding in the unified virtual memory (accessible from both GPU and CPU) (3) `MANAGED_CACHING` = placing an embedding table in the unified virtual memory and using the GPU global memory (HBM) as a cache (4) `HOST` = placing an embedding table in the CPU memory (DRAM) (5) `MTIA` = placing an embedding table in the MTIA memory Available `ComputeDevice` options are (1) `CPU` = performing table lookup on CPU (2) `CUDA` = performing table lookup on GPU (3) `MTIA` = performing table lookup on MTIA feature_table_map (Optional[List[int]] = None): An optional list that specifies feature-table mapping. feature_table_map[i] indicates the physical embedding table that feature i maps to. cache_algorithm (CacheAlgorithm = CacheAlgorithm.LRU): The cache algorithm (used when `EmbeddingLocation` is set to `MANAGED_CACHING`). Options are (1) `LRU` = least recently used (2) `LFU` = least frequently used cache_load_factor (float = 0.2): A factor used for determining the cache capacity when `EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED_CACHING` is used. The cache capacity is `cache_load_factor` * the total number of rows in all embedding tables cache_sets (int = 0): The number of cache sets (used when `EmbeddingLocation` is set to `MANAGED_CACHING`) cache_reserved_memory (float = 0.0): The amount of memory reserved in HBM for non-cache purpose (used when `EmbeddingLocation` is set to `MANAGED_CACHING`). cache_precision (SparseType = SparseType.FP32): The data type of the cache (used when `EmbeddingLocation` is set to `MANAGED_CACHING`). Options are `SparseType.FP32` and `SparseType.FP16` weights_precision (SparseType = SparseType.FP32): The data type of embedding tables (also known as weights). Options are `SparseType.FP32` and `SparseType.FP16` output_dtype (SparseType = SparseType.FP32): The data type of an output tensor. Options are `SparseType.FP32` and `SparseType.FP16` enforce_hbm (bool = False): If True, place all weights/momentums in HBM when using `EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED_CACHING` optimizer (OptimType = OptimType.EXACT_SGD): An optimizer to use for embedding table update in the backward pass. Available `OptimType` options are (1) `ADAM` = Adam (2) `EXACT_ADAGRAD` = Adagrad (3) `EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD` = Rowwise-Aadagrad (4) `EXACT_SGD` = SGD (5) `LAMB` = Lamb (6) `LARS_SGD` = LARS-SGD (7) `PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM` = Partial rowwise-Adam (8) `PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB` = Partial rowwise-Lamb (9) `ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD` = Ensemble rowwise-Adagrad (10) `NONE` = Not applying an optimizer update in the backward pass and outputting a sparse weight gradient record_cache_metrics (Optional[RecordCacheMetrics] = None): Record a number of hits, a number of requests, etc if `RecordCacheMetrics.record_cache_miss_counter` is True and record the similar metrics table-wise if `RecordCacheMetrics.record_tablewise_cache_miss is True` gather_uvm_cache_stats (Optional[bool] = False): If True, collect the cache statistics when `EmbeddingLocation` is set to `MANAGED_CACHING` stochastic_rounding (bool = True): If True, apply stochastic rounding for weight type that is not `SparseType.FP32` gradient_clipping (bool = False): If True, apply gradient clipping max_gradient (float = 1.0): The value for gradient clipping max_norm (float = 0.0): The max norm value learning_rate (float = 0.01): The learning rate eps (float = 1.0e-8): The epsilon value used by Adagrad, LAMB, and Adam. Note that default is different from torch.nn.optim.Adagrad default of 1e-10 momentum (float = 0.9): Momentum used by LARS-SGD and ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD weight_decay (float = 0.0): Weight decay used by LARS-SGD, LAMB, ADAM, and rowwise-Adagrad. (1) EXACT_ADAGRAD, SGD, EXACT_SGD do not support weight decay (2) LAMB, ADAM, PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM, PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB, LARS_SGD support decoupled weight decay (3) EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD support both L2 and decoupled weight decay (via weight_decay_mode) weight_decay_mode (WeightDecayMode = WeightDecayMode.NONE): Weight decay mode. Options are `WeightDecayMode.NONE`, `WeightDecayMode.L2`, and `WeightDecayMode.DECOUPLE` eta (float = 0.001): The eta value used by LARS-SGD beta1 (float = 0.9): The beta1 value used by LAMB and ADAM beta2 (float = 0.999): The beta2 value used by LAMB and ADAM step_ema (float = 10000): Used by ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD step_swap (float = 10000): Used by ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD step_start (float = 0.0): Used by ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD step_mode: (StepMode = StepMode.USE_ITER): Used by ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD counter_based_regularization (Optional[CounterBasedRegularizationDefinition] = None): Used by Rowwise Adagrad cowclip_regularization (Optional[CowClipDefinition] = None): Used by Rowwise Adagrad pooling_mode (PoolingMode = PoolingMode.SUM): Pooling mode. Available `PoolingMode` options are (1) `SUM` = Sum pooling (2) `MEAN` = Mean pooling (3) `NONE` = No pooling (sequence embedding) device (Optional[Union[str, int, torch.device]] = None): The current device to place tensors on bounds_check_mode (BoundsCheckMode = BoundsCheckMode.WARNING): Input checking mode. Available `BoundsCheckMode` options are (1) `NONE` = skip bounds check (2) `FATAL` = throw an error when encountering an invalid index/offset (3) `WARNING` = print a warning message when encountering an invalid index/offset and fix it (setting an invalid index to zero and adjusting an invalid offset to be within the bound) (4) `IGNORE` = silently fix an invalid index/offset (setting an invalid index to zero and adjusting an invalid offset to be within the bound) uvm_non_rowwise_momentum (bool = False): If True, place non-rowwise momentum on the unified virtual memory use_experimental_tbe (bool = False): If True, use an optimized TBE implementation (TBE v2). Note that this is supported only on NVIDIA GPUs. prefetch_pipeline (bool = False): If True, enable cache prefetch pipeline when using `EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED_CACHING`. Currently only supports the LRU cache policy. If a separate stream is used for prefetch, the optional `forward_stream` arg of prefetch function must be set. stats_reporter_config (Optional[TBEStatsReporterConfig] = None): A config for TBE stats reporter table_names (Optional[List[str]] = None): A list of embedding table names in this TBE optimizer_state_dtypes (Optional[Dict[str, SparseType]] = None): A optimizer state data types dict. Keys are the optimizer state names and values are their corresponding types multipass_prefetch_config (Optional[MultiPassPrefetchConfig] = None): A config for multipass cache prefetching (when `EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED_CACHING` is used) global_weight_decay (Optional[GlobalWeightDecayDefinition] = None): A config for global weight decay uvm_host_mapped (bool = False): If True, allocate every UVM tensor using `malloc` + `cudaHostRegister`. Otherwise use `cudaMallocManaged` """ embedding_specs: List[Tuple[int, int, EmbeddingLocation, ComputeDevice]] optimizer_args: invokers.lookup_args.OptimizerArgs lxu_cache_locations_list: List[Tensor] lxu_cache_locations_empty: Tensor timesteps_prefetched: List[int] record_cache_metrics: RecordCacheMetrics # pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `uvm_cache_stats` is never initialized. uvm_cache_stats: torch.Tensor # pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `local_uvm_cache_stats` is never initialized. local_uvm_cache_stats: torch.Tensor uuid: str # pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `last_uvm_cache_print_state` is never initialized. last_uvm_cache_print_state: torch.Tensor _vbe_B_offsets: Optional[torch.Tensor] _vbe_max_B: int def __init__( # noqa C901 self, embedding_specs: List[ Tuple[int, int, EmbeddingLocation, ComputeDevice] ], # tuple of (rows, dims, placements, compute_devices) feature_table_map: Optional[List[int]] = None, # [T] cache_algorithm: CacheAlgorithm = CacheAlgorithm.LRU, cache_load_factor: float = 0.2, cache_sets: int = 0, cache_reserved_memory: float = 0.0, cache_precision: SparseType = SparseType.FP32, weights_precision: SparseType = SparseType.FP32, output_dtype: SparseType = SparseType.FP32, enforce_hbm: bool = False, optimizer: OptimType = OptimType.EXACT_SGD, record_cache_metrics: Optional[RecordCacheMetrics] = None, gather_uvm_cache_stats: Optional[bool] = False, # General Optimizer args stochastic_rounding: bool = True, gradient_clipping: bool = False, max_gradient: float = 1.0, max_norm: float = 0.0, learning_rate: float = 0.01, eps: float = 1.0e-8, momentum: float = 0.9, weight_decay: float = 0.0, weight_decay_mode: WeightDecayMode = WeightDecayMode.NONE, eta: float = 0.001, beta1: float = 0.9, beta2: float = 0.999, step_ema: float = 10000, step_swap: float = 10000, step_start: float = 0, step_mode: StepMode = StepMode.USE_ITER, counter_based_regularization: Optional[ CounterBasedRegularizationDefinition ] = None, cowclip_regularization: Optional[CowClipDefinition] = None, pooling_mode: PoolingMode = PoolingMode.SUM, device: Optional[Union[str, int, torch.device]] = None, bounds_check_mode: BoundsCheckMode = BoundsCheckMode.WARNING, uvm_non_rowwise_momentum: bool = False, use_experimental_tbe: bool = False, prefetch_pipeline: bool = False, stats_reporter_config: Optional[TBEStatsReporterConfig] = None, table_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, optimizer_state_dtypes: Optional[Dict[str, SparseType]] = None, multipass_prefetch_config: Optional[MultiPassPrefetchConfig] = None, global_weight_decay: Optional[GlobalWeightDecayDefinition] = None, uvm_host_mapped: bool = False, ) -> None: super(SplitTableBatchedEmbeddingBagsCodegen, self).__init__() self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.logging_table_name: str = self.get_table_name_for_logging(table_names) self.pooling_mode = pooling_mode self.bounds_check_mode_int: int = bounds_check_mode.value self.weights_precision = weights_precision self.output_dtype: int = output_dtype.as_int() assert ( not prefetch_pipeline or cache_algorithm == CacheAlgorithm.LRU ), "Only LRU cache policy supports prefetch_pipeline." self.prefetch_pipeline: bool = prefetch_pipeline self.lock_cache_line: bool = self.prefetch_pipeline self.use_uniq_cache_locations_bwd: bool = self.prefetch_pipeline self.multipass_prefetch_config: Optional[MultiPassPrefetchConfig] = ( multipass_prefetch_config ) if record_cache_metrics is not None: self.record_cache_metrics = record_cache_metrics else: self.record_cache_metrics = RecordCacheMetrics(False, False) if multipass_prefetch_config: assert ( prefetch_pipeline ), "Multipass prefetch makes no sense in non-prefetch mode." assert ( cache_algorithm == CacheAlgorithm.LRU ), "Multipass prefetch is only supported in LRU cache." assert ( multipass_prefetch_config.num_passes > 0 ), f"num_passes must be positive, get {multipass_prefetch_config.num_passes}" assert ( multipass_prefetch_config.min_splitable_pass_size > 0 ), f"min_splitable_pass_size must be positive, get {multipass_prefetch_config.min_splitable_pass_size}" assert ( not self.record_cache_metrics.record_cache_miss_counter and not self.record_cache_metrics.record_tablewise_cache_miss ), "Unique cache miss counters are not accurate in multipass prefetch and therefore not supported" self.embedding_specs = embedding_specs (rows, dims, locations, compute_devices) = zip(*embedding_specs) T_ = len(self.embedding_specs) self.dims: List[int] = dims assert T_ > 0 # mixed D is not supported by no bag kernels mixed_D = False D = self.dims[0] for d in self.dims: if d != D: mixed_D = True break if mixed_D: assert ( self.pooling_mode != PoolingMode.NONE ), "Mixed dimension tables only supported for pooling tables." assert all( cd == compute_devices[0] for cd in compute_devices ), "Heterogenous compute_devices are NOT supported!" # Split TBE has different function schemas for CUDA and CPU. # For MTIA device type, it uses the CPU one. self.use_cpu: bool = ( compute_devices[0] == ComputeDevice.CPU or compute_devices[0] == ComputeDevice.MTIA ) assert not self.use_cpu or all( loc == EmbeddingLocation.HOST for loc in locations ), "ComputeDevice.CPU is only for EmbeddingLocation.HOST!" assert self.use_cpu or all( loc != EmbeddingLocation.HOST for loc in locations ), "EmbeddingLocation.HOST doesn't work for CUDA device!" if self.use_cpu or self.pooling_mode == PoolingMode.NONE: assert output_dtype in [ SparseType.FP32, SparseType.FP16, SparseType.BF16, ], "Fused pooled embedding quantization only supported for cuda." if optimizer == OptimType.NONE: assert all( loc == EmbeddingLocation.DEVICE for loc in locations ), "OptimType.NONE supports only EmbeddingLocation.DEVICE" assert all( cd == ComputeDevice.CUDA for cd in compute_devices ), "OptimType.NONE supports only ComputeDevice.CUDA" assert ( not mixed_D ), "OptimType.NONE does not support mixed embedding dimension" if device is None: self.current_device: torch.device = ( torch.device("cpu") if self.use_cpu else torch.device(torch.cuda.current_device()) ) elif isinstance(device, torch.device): self.current_device = device else: self.current_device = torch.device(device) # add placeholder require_grad param tensor to enable autograd with int8 weights self.placeholder_autograd_tensor = nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(0, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.float) ) self.gather_uvm_cache_stats = gather_uvm_cache_stats # Define the size of uvm cache stats as class variable # to make it work with torch jit script. self.uvm_cache_stats_size = 6 # 0: N_calls, 1: N_requested_indices, 2: N_unique_indices, 3: N_unique_misses, # 4: N_conflict_unique_misses, 5: N_conflict_misses # Reporter to collect runtime performance stats bottom-up. Reporter may # do aggregation across TBEs and publish results per training batch. # Example of stats include UVM cache hit rate, table I/O size, etc. self.stats_reporter: Optional[TBEStatsReporter] = ( stats_reporter_config.create_reporter() if stats_reporter_config else None ) self._uvm_tensors_log: List[str] = [] self.bwd_wait_prefetch_timer: Optional[AsyncSeriesTimer] = None if self.stats_reporter: # When stats_reporter is present, we set up async series timer to # measure the GPU time per tracked event accordingly. Each of them # is attached to custom callback report function to report collected # duration with the corresponding event name. self.bwd_wait_prefetch_timer = AsyncSeriesTimer( functools.partial( SplitTableBatchedEmbeddingBagsCodegen._report_wait_prefetch_time, self, event_name="bwd_wait_for_prefetch", ) ) self.int8_emb_row_dim_offset: int = INT8_EMB_ROW_DIM_OFFSET self.feature_table_map: List[int] = ( feature_table_map if feature_table_map is not None else list(range(T_)) ) T = len(self.feature_table_map) assert T_ <= T table_has_feature = [False] * T_ for t in self.feature_table_map: table_has_feature[t] = True assert all(table_has_feature), "Each table must have at least one feature!" feature_dims = [dims[t] for t in self.feature_table_map] D_offsets = [0] + list(accumulate(feature_dims)) self.total_D: int = D_offsets[-1] self.max_D: int = max(dims) cached_dims = [ embedding_spec[1] for embedding_spec in embedding_specs if embedding_spec[2] == EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED_CACHING ] self.max_D_cache: int = max(cached_dims) if len(cached_dims) > 0 else 0 self.register_buffer( "D_offsets", torch.tensor(D_offsets, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int32), ) hash_size_cumsum = [0] + list(accumulate(rows)) self.total_hash_size: int = int(hash_size_cumsum[-1]) if self.total_hash_size == 0: self.total_hash_size_bits: int = 0 else: self.total_hash_size_bits: int = int(log2(float(self.total_hash_size)) + 1) # The last element is to easily access # of rows of each table by # hash_size_cumsum[t + 1] - hash_size_cumsum[t] hash_size_cumsum = [hash_size_cumsum[t] for t in self.feature_table_map] + [ self.total_hash_size ] self.register_buffer( "hash_size_cumsum", torch.tensor( hash_size_cumsum, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64 ), ) self.register_buffer( "rows_per_table", torch.tensor( [rows[t] for t in self.feature_table_map], device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64, ), ) self.register_buffer( "bounds_check_warning", torch.tensor([0], device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64), ) # Required for VBE self.register_buffer( "feature_dims", torch.tensor(feature_dims, device="cpu", dtype=torch.int64), ) # A flag for indicating whether all embedding tables are placed in the # same locations self.use_homogeneous_placements: bool = all( loc == locations[0] for loc in locations ) self.uvm_host_mapped = uvm_host_mapped weight_split = construct_split_state( embedding_specs, rowwise=False, cacheable=True, precision=weights_precision, ) table_embedding_dtype = weights_precision.as_dtype() self._apply_split( weight_split, prefix="weights", # pyre-fixme[6]: For 3rd param expected `Type[Type[_dtype]]` but got # `Type[_dtype]`. dtype=table_embedding_dtype, enforce_hbm=enforce_hbm, make_dev_param=optimizer == OptimType.NONE, dev_reshape=(-1, self.max_D) if optimizer == OptimType.NONE else None, uvm_host_mapped=self.uvm_host_mapped, ) assert optimizer not in ( OptimType.SGD, OptimType.ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, ), f"Optimizer {optimizer} is deprecated in the CPU + GPU modes." if self.use_cpu: # Construct optimizer states assert optimizer in ( OptimType.EXACT_ADAGRAD, OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, OptimType.EXACT_SGD, ), f"Optimizer {optimizer} is not supported in CPU mode." else: assert optimizer in ( OptimType.ADAM, OptimType.EXACT_ADAGRAD, OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, OptimType.EXACT_SGD, OptimType.LAMB, OptimType.LARS_SGD, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB, OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, OptimType.NONE, ), f"Optimizer {optimizer} is not supported." self.stochastic_rounding = stochastic_rounding self.optimizer = optimizer self.weight_decay_mode = weight_decay_mode if (weight_decay_mode == WeightDecayMode.COUNTER) != ( counter_based_regularization is not None ): raise AssertionError( "Need to set weight_decay_mode=WeightDecayMode.COUNTER together with valid counter_based_regularization" ) if (weight_decay_mode == WeightDecayMode.COWCLIP) != ( cowclip_regularization is not None ): raise AssertionError( "Need to set weight_decay_mode=WeightDecayMode.COWCLIP together with valid cowclip_regularization" ) self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter: bool = ( optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD and ( weight_decay_mode in (WeightDecayMode.COUNTER, WeightDecayMode.COWCLIP) ) ) if weight_decay_mode == WeightDecayMode.DECOUPLE_GLOBAL and ( not optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD or global_weight_decay is None ): raise AssertionError( """weight_decay_mode=WeightDecayMode.DECOUPLE_GLOBAL is supported for optimizer=OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD and global_weight_decay cannot be None. """ ) self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_global_weight_decay: bool = ( optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD and (weight_decay_mode == WeightDecayMode.DECOUPLE_GLOBAL) ) f"Using global weight decay = {self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_global_weight_decay}" ) # Declare GWD params here to avoid torch.jit.script error if global_weight_decay is None: global_weight_decay = GlobalWeightDecayDefinition() self.gwd_start_iter: int = global_weight_decay.start_iter self.gwd_lower_bound: float = global_weight_decay.lower_bound if counter_based_regularization is None: counter_based_regularization = CounterBasedRegularizationDefinition() if cowclip_regularization is None: cowclip_regularization = CowClipDefinition() self._max_counter_update_freq: int = -1 # Extract parameters from CounterBasedRegularizationDefinition or CowClipDefinition # which are passed as entries for OptimizerArgs if self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter: if self.weight_decay_mode == WeightDecayMode.COUNTER: self._max_counter_update_freq = ( counter_based_regularization.max_counter_update_freq ) opt_arg_weight_decay_mode = ( counter_based_regularization.counter_weight_decay_mode ) counter_halflife = counter_based_regularization.counter_halflife else: opt_arg_weight_decay_mode = ( cowclip_regularization.counter_weight_decay_mode ) counter_halflife = cowclip_regularization.counter_halflife else: opt_arg_weight_decay_mode = weight_decay_mode # Default: -1, no decay applied, as a placeholder for OptimizerArgs # which should not be effective when CounterBasedRegularizationDefinition # and CowClipDefinition are not used counter_halflife = -1 self.optimizer_args = invokers.lookup_args.OptimizerArgs( stochastic_rounding=stochastic_rounding, gradient_clipping=gradient_clipping, max_gradient=max_gradient, max_norm=max_norm, learning_rate=learning_rate, eps=eps, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2, step_ema=step_ema, step_swap=step_swap, step_start=step_start, step_mode=step_mode.value, weight_decay=weight_decay, weight_decay_mode=opt_arg_weight_decay_mode.value, eta=eta, momentum=momentum, counter_halflife=counter_halflife, adjustment_iter=counter_based_regularization.adjustment_iter, adjustment_ub=counter_based_regularization.adjustment_ub, learning_rate_mode=counter_based_regularization.learning_rate_mode.value, grad_sum_decay=counter_based_regularization.grad_sum_decay.value, tail_id_threshold=counter_based_regularization.tail_id_threshold.val, is_tail_id_thresh_ratio=int( counter_based_regularization.tail_id_threshold.is_ratio ), total_hash_size=self.total_hash_size, weight_norm_coefficient=cowclip_regularization.weight_norm_coefficient, lower_bound=cowclip_regularization.lower_bound, regularization_mode=weight_decay_mode.value, ) if optimizer != OptimType.NONE: assert ( optimizer in (OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM, OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD) or optimizer_state_dtypes is None ), "optimizer_state_dtypes option is only supported for OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM and OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD" if optimizer in (OptimType.EXACT_SGD,): # NOTE: make TorchScript work! self._register_nonpersistent_buffers("momentum1") else: momentum1_dtype = ( torch.float32 if ( optimizer_state_dtypes is None or "momentum1" not in optimizer_state_dtypes ) else optimizer_state_dtypes["momentum1"].as_dtype() ) rowwise = optimizer in [ OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, ] self._apply_split( construct_split_state( embedding_specs, rowwise=rowwise, cacheable=False, placement=( EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED if ((not rowwise) and uvm_non_rowwise_momentum) else None ), ), prefix="momentum1", # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]` for 3rd param # but got `Type[torch.float32]`. dtype=momentum1_dtype, enforce_hbm=enforce_hbm, uvm_host_mapped=self.uvm_host_mapped, ) if optimizer in ( OptimType.ADAM, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM, OptimType.LAMB, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB, OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, ): rowwise = optimizer in ( OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB, OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, ) momentum2_dtype = ( torch.float32 if ( optimizer_state_dtypes is None or "momentum2" not in optimizer_state_dtypes ) else optimizer_state_dtypes["momentum2"].as_dtype() ) self._apply_split( construct_split_state( embedding_specs, rowwise=rowwise, cacheable=False, placement=( EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED if ((not rowwise) and uvm_non_rowwise_momentum) else None ), ), prefix="momentum2", # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]` for 3rd param # but got `Type[torch.float32]`. dtype=momentum2_dtype, uvm_host_mapped=self.uvm_host_mapped, ) else: # NOTE: make TorchScript work! self._register_nonpersistent_buffers("momentum2") if self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter or ( optimizer == OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD ): self._apply_split( construct_split_state( embedding_specs, rowwise=True, cacheable=False, ), prefix="prev_iter", # TODO: ideally we should use int64 to track iter but it failed to compile. # It may be related to low precision training code. Currently using float32 # as a workaround while investigating the issue. # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]` for 3rd param # but got `Type[torch.float32]`. dtype=torch.float32, uvm_host_mapped=self.uvm_host_mapped, ) self._apply_split( construct_split_state( embedding_specs, rowwise=True, cacheable=False, ), prefix="row_counter", # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]` for 3rd param # but got `Type[torch.float32]`. dtype=torch.float32, uvm_host_mapped=self.uvm_host_mapped, ) self.register_buffer( "max_counter", torch.tensor([1], dtype=torch.float32) ) elif self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_global_weight_decay: self._apply_split( construct_split_state( embedding_specs, rowwise=True, cacheable=False, ), prefix="prev_iter", # TODO: ideally we should use int64 to track iter but it failed to compile. # It may be related to low precision training code. Currently using float32 # as a workaround while investigating the issue. # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Type[Type[torch._dtype]]` for 3rd param # but got `Type[torch.float32]`. dtype=torch.float32, uvm_host_mapped=self.uvm_host_mapped, ) self._register_nonpersistent_buffers("row_counter") self.register_buffer( "max_counter", torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) else: self._register_nonpersistent_buffers("prev_iter") self._register_nonpersistent_buffers("row_counter") self.register_buffer( "max_counter", torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) if ( optimizer in ( OptimType.ADAM, OptimType.LAMB, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB, OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, ) or self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_global_weight_decay ): self.register_buffer( "iter", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), ) else: self.register_buffer( "iter", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) cache_state = construct_cache_state(rows, locations, self.feature_table_map) # Add table-wise cache miss counter if self.record_cache_metrics.record_tablewise_cache_miss: num_tables = len(cache_state.cache_hash_size_cumsum) - 1 self.register_buffer( "table_wise_cache_miss", torch.zeros( num_tables, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64, ), ) # NOTE: make TorchScript work! else: self.register_buffer( "table_wise_cache_miss", torch.zeros( 0, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64, ), ) if cache_precision == SparseType.FP32: cache_embedding_dtype = torch.float32 elif cache_precision == SparseType.FP16: cache_embedding_dtype = torch.float16 else: raise AssertionError(f"cache_precision {cache_precision} not supported!") self._apply_cache_state( cache_state, cache_algorithm, cache_load_factor, cache_sets, cache_reserved_memory, dtype=cache_embedding_dtype, ) self.log(f"Contents: {table_names}") self.log( f"Using fused {optimizer} with optimizer_args={self.optimizer_args if optimizer != OptimType.NONE else None}" ) self.log( f"Using rowwise_adagrad_with_counter={self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter}" ) self.step = 0 self.last_reported_step = 0 self.last_reported_uvm_stats: List[float] = [] # Check whether to use TBE v2 is_experimental = False if use_experimental_tbe: is_experimental = True self.log("use_experimental_tbe is set to True; Using experimental TBE") elif int(os.environ.get("FBGEMM_EXPERIMENTAL_TBE", "0")) == 1: # Keep the old feature enablement mechanism to ensure no negative impact on models that have already adopted TBE v2 is_experimental = True self.log("FBGEMM_EXPERIMENTAL_TBE is set to True; Using experimental TBE") # NOTE: Keep this disabled for now until the backend lands into Pyper # elif FeatureGateName.TBE_V2.is_enabled(): # is_experimental = True # self.log("TBE_V2 Knob is set to True; Using experimental TBE") self.is_experimental: bool = is_experimental # Get a debug function pointer self._debug_print_input_stats: Callable[..., None] = ( self._debug_print_input_stats_factory() ) @torch.jit.ignore def log(self, msg: str) -> None: """ Log with TBE id prefix to distinguish between multiple TBE instances per process Args: msg (str): The message to print Returns: None """"[TBE={self.uuid}] {msg}") def _register_nonpersistent_buffers(self, prefix: str) -> None: # NOTE: make TorchScript work! self.register_buffer( f"{prefix}_dev", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( f"{prefix}_host", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( f"{prefix}_uvm", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( f"{prefix}_placements", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( f"{prefix}_offsets", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) @staticmethod def get_table_name_for_logging(table_names: Optional[List[str]]) -> str: """ Given a list of all table names in the TBE, generate a string to represent them in logging. If there is more than one table, this method will count them than list them. Args: table_names (Optional[List[str]]): A list of table anmes in TBE Returns: A string that represents tables in logging """ if table_names is None: return "<Unknown>" # Do this because sometimes multiple shards of the same table could appear # in one TBE. table_name_set = set(table_names) if len(table_name_set) == 1: return next(iter(table_name_set)) return f"<{len(table_name_set)} tables>" @staticmethod def get_prefetch_passes( multipass_prefetch_config: Optional[MultiPassPrefetchConfig], input_tensor: Tensor, output_tensor: Tensor, ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, int]]: """ Given inputs (the indices to forward), partition the input and output into smaller chunks and return them as a list of tuples (input[start_idx:end_idx], output[start_idx:end_idx], start_idx). The caller must guarantee that input and output have non-zero dimension 0. The returned segments are guaranteed to completely and non-overlappingly cover the input tensor. In non-multipass-prefetch mode, it returns the input/output tensor itself. Args: multipass_prefetch_config (Optional[MultiPassPrefetchConfig]): A config for multi-pass cache prefetch. If None, multi-pass prefetch is not used. input_tensor (Tensor): The input tensor to be partitioned output_tensor (Tensor): The output tensor to be partitioned Returns: A list of partitioned inputs and outputs (List[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, int]]) """ if multipass_prefetch_config is None: return [(input_tensor, output_tensor, 0)] mpp_config: MultiPassPrefetchConfig = multipass_prefetch_config N = input_tensor.size(0) if N <= mpp_config.num_passes or mpp_config.num_passes == 1: # One row per pass, just don't split return [(input_tensor, output_tensor, 0)] pass_size: int = max( (N + mpp_config.num_passes - 1) // mpp_config.num_passes, mpp_config.min_splitable_pass_size, ) return list( zip( torch.split(input_tensor, pass_size), torch.split(output_tensor, pass_size), range(0, N, pass_size), ) ) def get_states(self, prefix: str) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """ Get a state of a given tensor (`prefix`) Args: prefix (str): A prefix of the state to obtain Returns: A tuple of tensors corresponding to the obtained state containing (1) A GPU state tensor (2) A CPU state tensor (3) A UVM state tensor (4) A placement tensor - containing placements of embedding tables (torch.int32_t tensor). (0 = DEVICE, 1 = MANAGED, 2 = MANAGED_CACHING, 3 = HOST, 4 = MTIA) (5) An offset tensor - containing the relative positions of embedding tables in the corresponding state tensor (GPU, CPU, or UVM state tensor) """ if not hasattr(self, f"{prefix}_physical_placements"): raise DoesNotHavePrefix() dev_param = getattr(self, f"{prefix}_dev") host_param = getattr(self, f"{prefix}_host") uvm_param = getattr(self, f"{prefix}_uvm") placements = getattr(self, f"{prefix}_physical_placements") offsets = getattr(self, f"{prefix}_physical_offsets") return ( dev_param, host_param, uvm_param, torch.tensor(placements, dtype=torch.int32), torch.tensor(offsets, dtype=torch.int64), ) def get_all_states(self) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Get all states in the TBE (`weights`, `momentum1`, `momentum2`, `prev_iter`, and `row_counter`) Returns: A list of states. Each state is a tuple of tensors (GPU state tensor, CPU state tensor, UVM state tensor, placement tensor and offset tensor) """ all_states = [] for prefix in ["weights", "momentum1", "momentum2", "prev_iter", "row_counter"]: try: all_states.append(self.get_states(prefix)) except DoesNotHavePrefix: pass return all_states @torch.jit.export def get_cache_miss_counter(self) -> Tensor: """ Get the cache miss counter. `cache_miss_counter` contains two items: (1) `cache_miss_forward_count` which records the total number of forwards which has at least one cache miss (2) `unique_cache_miss_count` which records to total number of unique (dedup) cache misses Returns: The cache miss counter """ return self.cache_miss_counter @torch.jit.export def get_table_wise_cache_miss(self) -> Tensor: """ Get the table-wise cache miss tensor. `table_wise_cache_miss` contains all the cache miss count for each table in this embedding table object: Returns: The table-wise cache miss tensor """ return self.table_wise_cache_miss # The callback function for AsyncTimer to record duration to different event def _report_wait_prefetch_time( self, it_step: int, dur_ms: float, event_name: str, ) -> None: assert ( self.stats_reporter ), "We should not be here. AsyncTimer only happens with reporter present." self.stats_reporter.report_duration( iteration_step=it_step, event_name=event_name, duration_ms=dur_ms, embedding_id=self.logging_table_name, tbe_id=self.uuid, ) @torch.jit.ignore def _report_tbe_mem_usage( self, ) -> None: if self.stats_reporter is None: return stats_reporter: TBEStatsReporter = self.stats_reporter if not stats_reporter.should_report(self.step): return total_mem_usage = sum( param.numel() * param.element_size() for param in self.parameters() ) + sum(buffer.numel() * buffer.element_size() for buffer in self.buffers()) if self.use_cpu: total_hbm_usage = 0 total_uvm_usage = total_mem_usage else: # hbm usage is total usage minus uvm usage total_uvm_usage = sum( getattr(self, tensor_name).numel() * getattr(self, tensor_name).element_size() for tensor_name in self._uvm_tensors_log if hasattr(self, tensor_name) ) total_hbm_usage = total_mem_usage - total_uvm_usage stats_reporter.report_data_amount( iteration_step=self.step, event_name="tbe.total_hbm_usage", data_bytes=total_hbm_usage, embedding_id=self.logging_table_name, tbe_id=self.uuid, ) stats_reporter.report_data_amount( iteration_step=self.step, event_name="tbe.total_uvm_usage", data_bytes=total_uvm_usage, embedding_id=self.logging_table_name, tbe_id=self.uuid, ) @torch.jit.ignore def _report_io_size_count(self, event: str, data: Tensor) -> Tensor: if self.stats_reporter is None: return data stats_reporter: TBEStatsReporter = self.stats_reporter if stats_reporter.should_report(self.step): stats_reporter.report_data_amount( iteration_step=self.step, event_name=f"tbe.{event}_size", data_bytes=data.element_size() * data.numel(), embedding_id=self.logging_table_name, tbe_id=self.uuid, ) stats_reporter.report_data_amount( iteration_step=self.step, event_name=f"tbe.{event}_count", data_bytes=data.numel(), embedding_id=self.logging_table_name, tbe_id=self.uuid, ) return data @torch.jit.ignore def _generate_vbe_metadata( self, offsets: Tensor, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank: Optional[List[List[int]]], ) -> invokers.lookup_args.VBEMetadata: # Blocking D2H copy, but only runs at first call self.feature_dims = self.feature_dims.cpu() if batch_size_per_feature_per_rank is not None: assert self.optimizer in ( OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, OptimType.EXACT_SGD, OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, OptimType.NONE, ), ( "Variable batch size TBE support is enabled for " "OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD and " "ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD only" ) return generate_vbe_metadata( offsets, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank, self.optimizer, self.pooling_mode, self.feature_dims, self.current_device, ) @torch.jit.ignore def _feature_is_enabled(self, feature: FeatureGateName) -> bool: # Define proxy method so that it can be marked with @torch.jit.ignore # This allows models using this class to compile correctly return FeatureGate.is_enabled(feature)
[docs] def forward( # noqa: C901 self, indices: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, per_sample_weights: Optional[Tensor] = None, feature_requires_grad: Optional[Tensor] = None, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, total_unique_indices: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tensor: """ The forward pass function that (1) Performs input bound checking (2) Generates necessary variable batch size embedding (VBE) metadata (if VBE is used) (3) Prefetches data from UVM to cache (if `EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED_CACHING` is used and the user has not explicitly prefetched data) (4) Performs the embedding table lookup by invoking a corresponding Autograd function (based on the chosen optimizer) Args: indices (Tensor): A 1D-tensor that contains indices to be looked up from all embedding table offsets (Tensor): A 1D-tensor that conatins offsets of indices. Shape `(B * T + 1)` where `B` = batch size and `T` = the number of features. `offsets[t * B + b + 1] - offsets[t * B + b]` is the length of bag `b` of feature `t` per_sample_weights (Optional[Tensor]): An optional 1D-float-tensor that contains per sample weights. If None, **unweighted** embedding lookup will be perform. Otherwise, **weighted** will be used. The length of this tensor must be the same as the length of the `indices` tensor. The value of `per_sample_weights[i]` will be used to multiply with every element in the looked up row `indices[i]`, where `0 <= i < len(per_sample_weights)`. feature_requires_grad (Optional[Tensor]): An optional 1D-tensor for indicating if `per_sample_weights` requires gradient. The length of the tensor must be equal to the number of features batch_size_per_feature_per_rank (Optional[List[List[int]]]): An optional 2D-tensor that contains batch sizes for every rank and every feature. If None, TBE assumes that **every feature has the same batch size** and computes the batch size from the `offsets` shape. Otherwise, TBE assumes that different features can have different batch sizes and uses the **variable batch size embedding look up mode (VBE)**. Shape (number of features, number of ranks). `batch_size_per_feature_per_rank[f][r]` represents the batch size of feature `f` and rank `r` total_unique_indices (Optional[int]): An optional integer that represents the total number of unique indices. This value must be set when using `OptimType.NONE`. This is because TBE requires this information for allocating the weight gradient tensor in the backward pass. Returns: A 2D-tensor containing looked up data. Shape `(B, total_D)` where `B` = batch size and `total_D` = the sum of all embedding dimensions in the table Example: >>> import torch >>> >>> from fbgemm_gpu.split_table_batched_embeddings_ops_common import ( >>> EmbeddingLocation, >>> ) >>> from fbgemm_gpu.split_table_batched_embeddings_ops_training import ( >>> SplitTableBatchedEmbeddingBagsCodegen, >>> ComputeDevice, >>> ) >>> >>> # Two tables >>> embedding_specs = [ >>> (3, 8, EmbeddingLocation.DEVICE, ComputeDevice.CUDA), >>> (5, 4, EmbeddingLocation.MANAGED, ComputeDevice.CUDA) >>> ] >>> >>> tbe = SplitTableBatchedEmbeddingBagsCodegen(embedding_specs) >>> tbe.init_embedding_weights_uniform(-1, 1) >>> >>> print(tbe.split_embedding_weights()) [tensor([[-0.9426, 0.7046, 0.4214, -0.0419, 0.1331, -0.7856, -0.8124, -0.2021], [-0.5771, 0.5911, -0.7792, -0.1068, -0.6203, 0.4813, -0.1677, 0.4790], [-0.5587, -0.0941, 0.5754, 0.3475, -0.8952, -0.1964, 0.0810, -0.4174]], device='cuda:0'), tensor([[-0.2513, -0.4039, -0.3775, 0.3273], [-0.5399, -0.0229, -0.1455, -0.8770], [-0.9520, 0.4593, -0.7169, 0.6307], [-0.1765, 0.8757, 0.8614, 0.2051], [-0.0603, -0.9980, -0.7958, -0.5826]], device='cuda:0')] >>> # Batch size = 3 >>> indices = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 0, 0], >>> device="cuda", >>> dtype=torch.long) >>> offsets = torch.tensor([0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13], >>> device="cuda", >>> dtype=torch.long) >>> >>> output = tbe(indices, offsets) >>> >>> # Batch size = 3, total embedding dimension = 12 >>> print(output.shape) torch.Size([3, 12]) >>> print(output) tensor([[-1.5197, 1.2957, -0.3578, -0.1487, -0.4873, -0.3044, -0.9801, 0.2769, -0.7164, 0.8528, 0.7159, -0.6719], [-2.0784, 1.2016, 0.2176, 0.1988, -1.3825, -0.5008, -0.8991, -0.1405, -1.2637, -0.9427, -1.8902, 0.3754], [-1.5013, 0.6105, 0.9968, 0.3057, -0.7621, -0.9821, -0.7314, -0.6195, -0.2513, -0.4039, -0.3775, 0.3273]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<CppNode<SplitLookupFunction_sgd_Op>>) """ ( indices, offsets, per_sample_weights, vbe_metadata, ) = self.prepare_inputs( indices, offsets, per_sample_weights, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank, force_cast_input_types=True, ) # Print input stats if enable (for debugging purpose only) self._debug_print_input_stats(indices, offsets, per_sample_weights) if not is_torchdynamo_compiling(): # Mutations of nn.Module attr forces dynamo restart of Analysis which increases compilation time # Storing tensors for linear_cache_indices recomputation self._indices = indices self._offsets = offsets self._vbe_B_offsets = vbe_metadata.B_offsets self._vbe_max_B = vbe_metadata.max_B self.step += 1 self._report_io_size_count("fwd_input", indices) self._report_tbe_mem_usage() if len(self.timesteps_prefetched) == 0: # In forward, we don't enable multi-pass prefetch as we want the process # to be as fast as possible and memory usage doesn't matter (will be recycled # by dense fwd/bwd) self._prefetch( indices, offsets, vbe_metadata, multipass_prefetch_config=None ) if len(self.timesteps_prefetched) > 0: self.timesteps_prefetched.pop(0) self.lxu_cache_locations = ( self.lxu_cache_locations_empty if len(self.lxu_cache_locations_list) == 0 else self.lxu_cache_locations_list.pop(0) ) common_args = invokers.lookup_args.CommonArgs( placeholder_autograd_tensor=self.placeholder_autograd_tensor, dev_weights=self.weights_dev, host_weights=self.weights_host, uvm_weights=self.weights_uvm, lxu_cache_weights=self.lxu_cache_weights, weights_placements=self.weights_placements, weights_offsets=self.weights_offsets, D_offsets=self.D_offsets, total_D=self.total_D, max_D=self.max_D, hash_size_cumsum=self.hash_size_cumsum, total_hash_size_bits=self.total_hash_size_bits, indices=indices, offsets=offsets, pooling_mode=self.pooling_mode, indice_weights=per_sample_weights, feature_requires_grad=feature_requires_grad, lxu_cache_locations=self.lxu_cache_locations, # Pass the local_uvm_cache_stats bc only that information is # relevant for the current iteration uvm_cache_stats=( self.local_uvm_cache_stats if ( self.gather_uvm_cache_stats # Unique conflict misses are only collected when using CacheAlgorithm.LRU and self.cache_algorithm == CacheAlgorithm.LRU ) else None ), output_dtype=self.output_dtype, vbe_metadata=vbe_metadata, is_experimental=self.is_experimental, use_uniq_cache_locations_bwd=self.use_uniq_cache_locations_bwd, use_homogeneous_placements=self.use_homogeneous_placements, ) if self.optimizer == OptimType.NONE: assert ( total_unique_indices is not None and total_unique_indices <= indices.numel() ), f"OptimType.NONE requires total_unique_indices. Please pass it or check the value (total_unique_indices = {total_unique_indices})" return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_none.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, total_unique_indices ), ) elif self.optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_SGD: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_sgd.invoke(common_args, self.optimizer_args), ) momentum1 = invokers.lookup_args.Momentum( dev=self.momentum1_dev, host=self.momentum1_host, uvm=self.momentum1_uvm, offsets=self.momentum1_offsets, placements=self.momentum1_placements, ) if self.optimizer == OptimType.LARS_SGD: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_lars_sgd.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1 ), ) if self.optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_ADAGRAD: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_adagrad.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1 ), ) momentum2 = invokers.lookup_args.Momentum( dev=self.momentum2_dev, host=self.momentum2_host, uvm=self.momentum2_uvm, offsets=self.momentum2_offsets, placements=self.momentum2_placements, ) # Ensure iter is always on CPU so the increment doesn't synchronize. if not self.iter.is_cpu: self.iter = self.iter.cpu() self.iter[0] += 1 if self.optimizer == OptimType.ADAM: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_adam.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1, momentum2, # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `int` for 5th param but got `Union[float, # int]`. self.iter.item(), ), ) if self.optimizer == OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_partial_rowwise_adam.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1, momentum2, # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `int` for 5th param but got `Union[float, # int]`. self.iter.item(), ), ) if self.optimizer == OptimType.LAMB: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_lamb.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1, momentum2, # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `int` for 5th param but got `Union[float, # int]`. self.iter.item(), ), ) if self.optimizer == OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_partial_rowwise_lamb.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1, momentum2, # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `int` for 5th param but got `Union[float, # int]`. self.iter.item(), ), ) prev_iter = invokers.lookup_args.Momentum( dev=self.prev_iter_dev, host=self.prev_iter_host, uvm=self.prev_iter_uvm, offsets=self.prev_iter_offsets, placements=self.prev_iter_placements, ) row_counter = invokers.lookup_args.Momentum( dev=self.row_counter_dev, host=self.row_counter_host, uvm=self.row_counter_uvm, offsets=self.row_counter_offsets, placements=self.row_counter_placements, ) if self.optimizer == OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD: assert self._feature_is_enabled( FeatureGateName.TBE_ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD ), "ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD is an inactive or deprecated feature!" return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_ensemble_rowwise_adagrad.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1, momentum2, prev_iter, row_counter, iter=int(self.iter.item()), apply_global_weight_decay=False, gwd_lower_bound=0.0, ), ) if self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter: if ( self._max_counter_update_freq > 0 and self.iter.item() % self._max_counter_update_freq == 0 ): row_counter_dev = self.row_counter_dev.detach() if row_counter_dev.numel() > 0: self.max_counter[0] = torch.max(row_counter_dev).cpu().item() + 1 else: self.max_counter[0] = 1 if self.optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD: if self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1, prev_iter, row_counter, int( self.iter.item() ), # Cast to int to suppress pyre type error self.max_counter.item(), ), ) elif self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_global_weight_decay: apply_global_weight_decay = ( self.step >= self.gwd_start_iter and ) return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_rowwise_adagrad.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1, iter=int(self.iter.item()), apply_global_weight_decay=apply_global_weight_decay, prev_iter_dev=self.prev_iter_dev, gwd_lower_bound=self.gwd_lower_bound, ), ) else: return self._report_io_size_count( "fwd_output", invokers.lookup_rowwise_adagrad.invoke( common_args, self.optimizer_args, momentum1, ), ) raise ValueError(f"Invalid OptimType: {self.optimizer}")
def reset_uvm_cache_stats(self) -> None: assert ( self.gather_uvm_cache_stats ), "gather_uvm_cache_stats should be set to true to access uvm cache stats." self.uvm_cache_stats.zero_() self.local_uvm_cache_stats.zero_() def get_uvm_cache_stats(self, use_local_cache: bool = False) -> Tensor: assert ( self.gather_uvm_cache_stats ), "gather_uvm_cache_stats should be set to true to access uvm cache stats." return self.local_uvm_cache_stats if use_local_cache else self.uvm_cache_stats def _get_uvm_cache_print_state(self, use_local_cache: bool = False) -> List[float]: snapshot = self.get_uvm_cache_stats(use_local_cache) if use_local_cache: return snapshot.tolist() # Stats are accumulated over multiple steps. Compute delta, and update state. delta = snapshot - self.last_uvm_cache_print_state self.last_uvm_cache_print_state = snapshot.clone() return delta.tolist() @torch.jit.ignore def print_uvm_cache_stats(self, use_local_cache: bool = False) -> None: # TODO: Create a separate reporter class to unify the stdlog reporting uvm_cache_stats: List[float] = self._get_uvm_cache_print_state(use_local_cache) N = max(1, uvm_cache_stats[0]) m = { "N_called": uvm_cache_stats[UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_calls], "requested_indices": uvm_cache_stats[ UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_requested_indices ] / N, "unique_indices": uvm_cache_stats[UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_unique_indices] / N, "unique_misses": uvm_cache_stats[UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_unique_misses] / N, "conflict_unique_misses": uvm_cache_stats[ UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_conflict_unique_misses ] / N, "conflict_misses": uvm_cache_stats[UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_conflict_misses] / N, } if uvm_cache_stats[1]: m.update( { "unique indices / requested indices": uvm_cache_stats[ UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_unique_indices ] / uvm_cache_stats[UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_requested_indices], "unique misses / requested indices": uvm_cache_stats[ UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_unique_misses ] / uvm_cache_stats[UVMCacheStatsIndex.num_requested_indices], } ) self.log(f"uvm_cache_stats={m}") @torch.jit.ignore def _report_uvm_cache_stats(self) -> None: if self.stats_reporter is None: return stats_reporter: TBEStatsReporter = self.stats_reporter passed_steps = self.step - self.last_reported_step if passed_steps == 0: return if not stats_reporter.should_report(self.step): return uvm_cache_stats: List[float] = self.get_uvm_cache_stats( use_local_cache=False ).tolist() self.last_reported_step = self.step if len(self.last_reported_uvm_stats) == 0: self.last_reported_uvm_stats = [0.0] * len(uvm_cache_stats) uvm_cache_stats_delta: List[float] = [0.0] * len(uvm_cache_stats) for i in range(len(uvm_cache_stats)): uvm_cache_stats_delta[i] = ( uvm_cache_stats[i] - self.last_reported_uvm_stats[i] ) self.last_reported_uvm_stats = uvm_cache_stats element_size = self.lxu_cache_weights.element_size() for stat_index in UVMCacheStatsIndex: stats_reporter.report_data_amount( iteration_step=self.step, event_name=f"tbe.prefetch.cache_stats_by_data_size.{}", data_bytes=int( uvm_cache_stats_delta[stat_index.value] * element_size * self.max_D_cache / passed_steps ), embedding_id=self.logging_table_name, tbe_id=self.uuid, ) def prefetch( self, indices: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, forward_stream: Optional[torch.cuda.Stream] = None, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, ) -> None: if self.prefetch_stream is None and forward_stream is not None: self.prefetch_stream = torch.cuda.current_stream() assert ( self.prefetch_stream != forward_stream ), "prefetch_stream and forward_stream should not be the same stream" indices, offsets, _, vbe_metadata = self.prepare_inputs( indices, offsets, per_sample_weights=None, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank=batch_size_per_feature_per_rank, force_cast_input_types=False, ) self._prefetch( indices, offsets, vbe_metadata, multipass_prefetch_config=self.multipass_prefetch_config, ) if forward_stream is not None: self._prefetch_tensors_record_stream(forward_stream) def _prefetch( self, indices: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, vbe_metadata: Optional[invokers.lookup_args.VBEMetadata] = None, multipass_prefetch_config: Optional[MultiPassPrefetchConfig] = None, ) -> None: if not is_torchdynamo_compiling(): # Mutations of nn.Module attr forces dynamo restart of Analysis which increases compilation time self.timestep += 1 self.timesteps_prefetched.append(self.timestep) if not self.lxu_cache_weights.numel(): return # Clear the local_uvm_cache_stats before the prefetch instead of after # the prefetch step, since it will be used in the CommonArgs in the # forward step if self.gather_uvm_cache_stats: self.local_uvm_cache_stats.zero_() self._report_io_size_count("prefetch_input", indices) final_lxu_cache_locations = torch.empty_like(indices, dtype=torch.int32) for ( partial_indices, partial_lxu_cache_locations, base_offset, ) in self.get_prefetch_passes( multipass_prefetch_config, indices, final_lxu_cache_locations ): linear_cache_indices = torch.ops.fbgemm.linearize_cache_indices( self.cache_hash_size_cumsum, partial_indices, offsets, vbe_metadata.B_offsets if vbe_metadata is not None else None, vbe_metadata.max_B if vbe_metadata is not None else -1, base_offset, ) if ( self.record_cache_metrics.record_cache_miss_counter or self.record_cache_metrics.record_tablewise_cache_miss ): lxu_cache_locations = torch.ops.fbgemm.lxu_cache_lookup( linear_cache_indices, self.lxu_cache_state, self.total_cache_hash_size, self.gather_uvm_cache_stats, self.local_uvm_cache_stats, ) if self.record_cache_metrics.record_cache_miss_counter: self._update_cache_miss_counter( lxu_cache_locations, linear_cache_indices ) if self.record_cache_metrics.record_tablewise_cache_miss: self._update_tablewise_cache_miss( lxu_cache_locations, linear_cache_indices, offsets ) if self.cache_algorithm == CacheAlgorithm.LRU: torch.ops.fbgemm.lru_cache_populate( self.weights_uvm, self.cache_hash_size_cumsum, self.total_cache_hash_size, self.cache_index_table_map, self.weights_offsets, self.D_offsets, linear_cache_indices, self.lxu_cache_state, self.lxu_cache_weights, self.timestep, self.lxu_state, self.stochastic_rounding, self.gather_uvm_cache_stats, self.local_uvm_cache_stats, self.lock_cache_line, self.lxu_cache_locking_counter, ) elif self.cache_algorithm == CacheAlgorithm.LFU: torch.ops.fbgemm.lfu_cache_populate( self.weights_uvm, self.cache_hash_size_cumsum, self.total_cache_hash_size, self.cache_index_table_map, self.weights_offsets, self.D_offsets, linear_cache_indices, self.lxu_cache_state, self.lxu_cache_weights, self.lxu_state, self.stochastic_rounding, ) torch.ops.fbgemm.lxu_cache_lookup( linear_cache_indices, self.lxu_cache_state, self.total_cache_hash_size, self.gather_uvm_cache_stats, self.local_uvm_cache_stats, lxu_cache_locations_output=partial_lxu_cache_locations, ) assert ( len(self.lxu_cache_locations_list) < self.max_prefetch_depth ), f"self.lxu_cache_locations_list has grown to size: {len(self.lxu_cache_locations_list)}, this exceeds the maximum: {self.max_prefetch_depth}. This probably indicates an error in logic where prefetch() is being called more frequently than forward()" self.lxu_cache_locations_list.append(final_lxu_cache_locations) if self.gather_uvm_cache_stats: # Accumulate local_uvm_cache_stats (int32) into uvm_cache_stats (int64). # We may want to do this accumulation atomically, but as it's only # for monitoring, slightly inaccurate result may be acceptable. self.uvm_cache_stats = torch.add( self.uvm_cache_stats, self.local_uvm_cache_stats ) self._report_uvm_cache_stats() if self.should_log(): self.print_uvm_cache_stats(use_local_cache=False) def should_log(self) -> bool: """Determines if we should log for this step, using exponentially decreasing frequency. Logs for steps: 100 200 ... 1,000 2,000 ... 10,000 20,000 ... 100,000 200,000 ... """ s = self.step + 1 # step starts at 0 return s >= 100 and s % (10 ** int(math.log10(s))) == 0 def _prefetch_tensors_record_stream( self, forward_stream: torch.cuda.Stream ) -> None: # Record the tensors created by prefetch stream and consumed by forward/backward # to the forward stream. In PyTorch, each backward CUDA op runs on the same # stream that was used for its corresponding forward op. for t in self.lxu_cache_locations_list: t.record_stream(forward_stream) def _update_cache_miss_counter( self, lxu_cache_locations: Tensor, linear_cache_indices: Tensor, ) -> None: CACHE_MISS = -1 CACHE_HIT = -2 cache_missed_locations = torch.where( lxu_cache_locations == CACHE_MISS, linear_cache_indices, CACHE_HIT ) unique_ids_list = torch.unique(cache_missed_locations) unique_ids_count_list = torch.where(unique_ids_list == CACHE_HIT, 0, 1) miss_count = torch.sum(unique_ids_count_list) self.cache_miss_counter[0] += (miss_count > 0).to(torch.int64) self.cache_miss_counter[1] += miss_count def _update_tablewise_cache_miss( self, lxu_cache_locations: Tensor, linear_cache_indices: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, ) -> None: CACHE_MISS = -1 CACHE_HIT = -2 num_tables = len(self.cache_hash_size_cumsum) - 1 num_offsets_per_table = (len(offsets) - 1) // num_tables cache_missed_locations = torch.where( lxu_cache_locations == CACHE_MISS, linear_cache_indices, CACHE_HIT ) for i in range(num_tables): start = offsets[i * num_offsets_per_table] end = offsets[(i + 1) * num_offsets_per_table] current_cache_missed_locations = cache_missed_locations[start:end] unique_ids_list = torch.unique(current_cache_missed_locations) unique_ids_count_list = torch.where(unique_ids_list == CACHE_HIT, 0, 1) miss_count = torch.sum(unique_ids_count_list) self.table_wise_cache_miss[i] += miss_count def init_embedding_weights_uniform(self, min_val: float, max_val: float) -> None: splits = self.split_embedding_weights() if self.weights_precision == SparseType.INT8: # TODO: add in-place FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized conversion for emb in splits: assert ( len(emb.shape) == 2 ), "Int8 embedding only supported for 2D weight tensors." shape = [emb.shape[0], emb.shape[1] - self.int8_emb_row_dim_offset] tmp_emb = torch.zeros(shape, device=self.current_device) tmp_emb.uniform_(min_val, max_val) tmp_emb_i8 = torch.ops.fbgemm.FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized(tmp_emb) else: for param in splits: param.uniform_(min_val, max_val)
[docs] @torch.jit.ignore def split_embedding_weights(self) -> List[Tensor]: """ Returns a list of embedding weights (view), split by table Returns: A list of weights. Length = the number of tables """ splits = [] for t, (rows, dim, _, _) in enumerate(self.embedding_specs): if self.weights_precision == SparseType.INT8: dim += self.int8_emb_row_dim_offset placement = self.weights_physical_placements[t] offset = self.weights_physical_offsets[t] if placement == EmbeddingLocation.DEVICE.value: weights = self.weights_dev elif placement == EmbeddingLocation.HOST.value: weights = self.weights_host else: weights = self.weights_uvm if weights.dim() == 2: weights = weights.flatten() splits.append( weights.detach()[offset : offset + rows * dim].view(rows, dim) ) return splits
@torch.jit.ignore def get_optimizer_buffer(self, state: str) -> torch.Tensor: if self.optimizer == OptimType.NONE: raise NotImplementedError( f"Getting optimizer buffer is not supported for {self.optimizer}" ) for name, buffer in self.named_buffers(): if name == state: return buffer return torch.tensor(0) @torch.jit.export def get_optimizer_state(self) -> List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: r""" Get the optimizer state dict that matches the OSS Pytorch optims TODO: populate the supported list of optimizers """ split_optimizer_states = self.split_optimizer_states() if ( self.optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD or self.optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_ADAGRAD ): list_of_state_dict = [ ( {"sum": states[0], "prev_iter": states[1], "row_counter": states[2]} if self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter else ( {"sum": states[0], "prev_iter": states[1]} if self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_global_weight_decay else {"sum": states[0]} ) ) for states in split_optimizer_states ] elif self.optimizer == OptimType.SGD or self.optimizer == OptimType.EXACT_SGD: list_of_state_dict = [ {"momentum_buffer": states[0]} for states in split_optimizer_states ] elif ( self.optimizer == OptimType.ADAM or self.optimizer == OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM or self.optimizer == OptimType.LAMB or self.optimizer == OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB ): list_of_state_dict = [ {"exp_avg": states[0], "exp_avg_sq": states[1]} for states in split_optimizer_states ] elif self.optimizer == OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD: list_of_state_dict = [ { "sum": states[0], "exp_avg": states[1], "prev_iter": states[2], "row_counter": states[3], } for states in split_optimizer_states ] else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Getting optimizer state {self.optimizer} is not implmeneted" ) return list_of_state_dict
[docs] @torch.jit.ignore def split_optimizer_states( self, ) -> List[List[torch.Tensor]]: """ Returns a list of optimizer states (view), split by table Returns: A list of list of states. Shape = (the number of tables, the number of states). The following shows the list of states (in the returned order) for each optimizer: (1) `ADAM`: `momentum1`, `momentum2` (2) `EXACT_ADAGRAD`: `momentum1` (3) `EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD`: `momentum1` (rowwise), `prev_iter` (rowwise; only when using `WeightDecayMode` = `COUNTER` or `COWCLIP` or `global_weight_decay` is not None), `row_counter` (rowwise; only when using `WeightDecayMode` = `COUNTER` or `COWCLIP`) (4) `EXACT_SGD`: no states (5) `LAMB`: `momentum1`, `momentum2` (6) `LARS_SGD`: `momentum1` (7) `PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM`: `momentum1`, `momentum2` (rowwise) (8) `PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB`: `momentum1`, `momentum2` (rowwise) (9) `ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD`: `momentum2` (rowwise), `momentum1`, `prev_iter` (rowwise), `row_counter` (rowwise) (10) `NONE`: no states (throwing an error) """ if self.optimizer == OptimType.NONE: raise NotImplementedError( f"Getting optimizer states is not supported for {self.optimizer}" ) def get_optimizer_states( state_dev: Tensor, state_host: Tensor, state_uvm: Tensor, state_offsets: Tensor, state_placements: Tensor, rowwise: bool, ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: splits = [] for t, (rows, dim, _, _) in enumerate(self.embedding_specs): offset = state_offsets[t] placement = state_placements[t] if placement == EmbeddingLocation.DEVICE: state = state_dev elif placement == EmbeddingLocation.HOST: state = state_host else: state = state_uvm if not rowwise: splits.append( state.detach()[offset : offset + rows * dim].view(rows, dim) ) else: splits.append(state.detach()[offset : offset + rows].view(rows)) return splits states: List[List[torch.Tensor]] = [] # For ensemble_rowwise_adagrad, momentum2 ("sum") should go first, # as it is the default optimizer state for embedding pruning later. if self.optimizer == OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD: states.append( get_optimizer_states( self.momentum2_dev, self.momentum2_host, self.momentum2_uvm, self.momentum2_physical_offsets, self.momentum2_physical_placements, rowwise=True, ) ) if self.optimizer not in (OptimType.EXACT_SGD,): states.append( get_optimizer_states( self.momentum1_dev, self.momentum1_host, self.momentum1_uvm, self.momentum1_physical_offsets, self.momentum1_physical_placements, rowwise=self.optimizer in [ OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, ], ) ) if self.optimizer in ( OptimType.ADAM, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM, OptimType.LAMB, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB, ): states.append( get_optimizer_states( self.momentum2_dev, self.momentum2_host, self.momentum2_uvm, self.momentum2_physical_offsets, self.momentum2_physical_placements, rowwise=self.optimizer in (OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_ADAM, OptimType.PARTIAL_ROWWISE_LAMB), ) ) if ( self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter or self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_global_weight_decay or self.optimizer == OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD ): states.append( get_optimizer_states( self.prev_iter_dev, self.prev_iter_host, self.prev_iter_uvm, self.prev_iter_physical_offsets, self.prev_iter_physical_placements, rowwise=True, ) ) if ( self._used_rowwise_adagrad_with_counter or self.optimizer == OptimType.ENSEMBLE_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD ): states.append( get_optimizer_states( self.row_counter_dev, self.row_counter_host, self.row_counter_uvm, self.row_counter_physical_offsets, self.row_counter_physical_placements, rowwise=True, ) ) return_states = [list(s) for s in zip(*states)] return return_states
[docs] @torch.jit.export def set_learning_rate(self, lr: float) -> None: """ Sets the learning rate. Args: lr (float): The learning rate value to set to """ if self.optimizer == OptimType.NONE: raise NotImplementedError( f"Setting learning rate is not supported for {self.optimizer}" ) self._set_learning_rate(lr)
[docs] @torch.jit.ignore def update_hyper_parameters(self, params_dict: Dict[str, float]) -> None: """ Sets hyper-parameters from external control flow. Args: params_dict (Dict[str, float]): The dict that contains the hyper-parameter names and their values """ if self.optimizer == OptimType.NONE: raise NotImplementedError( f"Setting learning rate is not supported for {self.optimizer}" ) for parameter_name, value in params_dict.items(): if parameter_name == "lr": self._set_learning_rate(value) elif parameter_name == "eps": self.optimizer_args = self.optimizer_args._replace(eps=value) elif parameter_name == "beta1": self.optimizer_args = self.optimizer_args._replace(beta1=value) elif parameter_name == "beta2": self.optimizer_args = self.optimizer_args._replace(beta2=value) elif parameter_name == "weight_decay": self.optimizer_args = self.optimizer_args._replace(weight_decay=value) elif parameter_name == "lower_bound": self.gwd_lower_bound = value else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Setting hyper-parameter {parameter_name} is not supported" )
@torch.jit.ignore def _set_learning_rate(self, lr: float) -> float: """ Helper function to script `set_learning_rate`. Note that returning None does not work. """ self.optimizer_args = self.optimizer_args._replace(learning_rate=lr) return 0.0
[docs] @torch.jit.ignore def set_optimizer_step(self, step: int) -> None: """ Sets the optimizer step. Args: step (int): The setp value to set to """ self.log(f"set_optimizer_step from {self.iter[0]} to {step}") if self.optimizer == OptimType.NONE: raise NotImplementedError( f"Setting optimizer step is not supported for {self.optimizer}" ) self.iter[0] = step
@torch.jit.export def flush(self) -> None: if not self.lxu_cache_weights.numel(): return torch.ops.fbgemm.lxu_cache_flush( self.weights_uvm, self.cache_hash_size_cumsum, self.cache_index_table_map, self.weights_offsets, self.D_offsets, self.total_D, self.lxu_cache_state, self.lxu_cache_weights, self.stochastic_rounding, ) def _apply_split( self, split: SplitState, prefix: str, dtype: Type[torch.dtype], enforce_hbm: bool = False, make_dev_param: bool = False, dev_reshape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, uvm_host_mapped: bool = False, ) -> None: apply_split_helper( self.register_buffer, functools.partial(setattr, self), self.current_device, self.use_cpu, self.feature_table_map, split, prefix, dtype, enforce_hbm, make_dev_param, dev_reshape, self._uvm_tensors_log, uvm_host_mapped=uvm_host_mapped, ) def _apply_cache_state( self, cache_state: CacheState, cache_algorithm: CacheAlgorithm, cache_load_factor: float, cache_sets: int, cache_reserved_memory: float, dtype: torch.dtype, ) -> None: self.cache_algorithm = cache_algorithm self.timestep = 1 self.timesteps_prefetched = [] self.max_prefetch_depth = MAX_PREFETCH_DEPTH self.lxu_cache_locations_list = [] self.lxu_cache_locations_empty = torch.empty( 0, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int32 ).fill_(-1) self.lxu_cache_locations = self.lxu_cache_locations_empty self._indices = self.lxu_cache_locations_empty self._offsets = self.lxu_cache_locations_empty self._vbe_B_offsets = self.lxu_cache_locations_empty self._vbe_max_B = -1 self.prefetch_stream: Optional[torch.cuda.Stream] = None self._init_uvm_cache_stats() # NOTE: no cache for CPU mode! if cache_state.total_cache_hash_size == 0 or self.use_cpu: self.register_buffer( "lxu_cache_weights", torch.zeros(0, 0, device=self.current_device, dtype=dtype), ) # NOTE: make TorchScript work! self.register_buffer( "cache_hash_size_cumsum", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( "total_cache_hash_size", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( "cache_index_table_map", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( "lxu_cache_state", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( "lxu_state", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.current_device), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( "cache_miss_counter", torch.tensor([0, 0], dtype=torch.int64), persistent=False, ) self._init_uvm_cache_counter(cache_sets, persistent=False) return assert cache_load_factor > 0 element_size = 2 if dtype == torch.float16 else 4 if cache_sets <= 0: total_memory = torch.cuda.get_device_properties( self.current_device ).total_memory free_memory = ( total_memory - torch.cuda.memory_reserved(self.current_device) - int(cache_reserved_memory) ) assert free_memory > 0 cache_sets = ( int(cache_state.total_cache_hash_size * cache_load_factor) + DEFAULT_ASSOC - 1 ) // DEFAULT_ASSOC cache_sets = 1 if cache_sets == 0 else cache_sets cache_size = cache_sets * DEFAULT_ASSOC * element_size * self.max_D_cache if cache_size > free_memory: cache_sets = ( int(1.0 * free_memory / self.max_D_cache / element_size) + DEFAULT_ASSOC - 1 ) // DEFAULT_ASSOC cache_load_factor = ( 1.0 * cache_sets * DEFAULT_ASSOC / int(cache_state.total_cache_hash_size) ) assert cache_sets > 0 if cache_algorithm == CacheAlgorithm.LFU: assert cache_sets < 2**24 - 1 cache_size = cache_sets * DEFAULT_ASSOC * element_size * self.max_D_cache self.log( f"Using on-device cache with admission algorithm " f"{cache_algorithm}, {cache_sets} sets, " f"load_factor: {cache_load_factor : .3f}, " f"cache_size: {cache_size / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 : .2f}GB, " f"cache_precision: {dtype}" ) self.total_cache_hash_size = cache_state.total_cache_hash_size # 8x of # tables, trivial size self.register_buffer( "cache_hash_size_cumsum", torch.tensor( cache_state.cache_hash_size_cumsum, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64, ), ) # 4x total embedding hash size with uvm cache self.register_buffer( "cache_index_table_map", torch.tensor( cache_state.cache_index_table_map, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int32, ), ) # 8x of total cache slots (embedding hash size * clf) self.register_buffer( "lxu_cache_state", torch.zeros( cache_sets, DEFAULT_ASSOC, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64 ).fill_(-1), ) # Cache itself, not auxiliary size self.register_buffer( "lxu_cache_weights", torch.zeros( cache_sets * DEFAULT_ASSOC, self.max_D_cache, device=self.current_device, dtype=dtype, ), ) # LRU: 8x of total cache slots (embedding hash size * clf) # LFU: 8x of total embedding hash size with uvm cache self.register_buffer( "lxu_state", torch.zeros( size=( (self.total_cache_hash_size + 1,) if cache_algorithm == CacheAlgorithm.LFU else (cache_sets, DEFAULT_ASSOC) ), device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64, ), ) self.register_buffer( "cache_miss_counter", torch.tensor([0, 0], device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64), ) self._init_uvm_cache_counter(cache_sets, persistent=True) if self.prefetch_pipeline: # using the placeholder_autograd_tensor to make sure # the hook is executed after the backward pass # not using register_module_full_backward_hook # due to self.placeholder_autograd_tensor.register_hook( self._sync_stream_post_backward ) self.register_full_backward_pre_hook( self._update_cache_counter_and_locations ) if cache_algorithm not in (CacheAlgorithm.LFU, CacheAlgorithm.LRU): raise ValueError( f"cache_algorithm must be {CacheAlgorithm.LRU} " f"or {CacheAlgorithm.LFU}" ) # pyre-ignore def _recording_to_timer( self, timer: Optional[AsyncSeriesTimer], **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: if self.stats_reporter is not None and self.stats_reporter.should_report( self.step ): assert ( timer ), "We shouldn't be here, async timer must have been initiated if reporter is present." return timer.recording(**kwargs) # No-Op context manager return contextlib.nullcontext() def _sync_stream_post_backward( self, grad: Tensor, ) -> None: """ backward hook function when prefetch_pipeline is enabled. With the pipeline, prefetch(batch_{i+2}) may overlap with backward(batch_{i}). There is race condition that backward(batch_i) writes to UVM memory and at the same time prefetch(batch_{i+2}) loads UVM memory to cache. This stream sync forces backward(batch_i) to finish before prefetch(batch_{i+2}). """ if self.prefetch_stream is not None: self.prefetch_stream.wait_stream(torch.cuda.current_stream()) def _update_cache_counter_and_locations( self, module: nn.Module, grad_input: Union[Tuple[Tensor, ...], Tensor], ) -> None: """ Backward prehook function when prefetch_pipeline is enabled. This function does 3 things: 1. backward stream waits for prefetch stream to finish. Otherwise the prefetch(batch_{i+1}) might overlap with backward(batch_i). If an idx is not in cache in batch_i, but it is being inserted in batch_{i+1}, there is race condition that backward(batch_i) writes to UVM memory and at the same time prefetch(batch_{i+1}) loads UVM memory to cache. 2. decrement the lxu_cache_locking_counter to indicate the current batch is finished. The lxu_cache_locking_counter is updated in both prefetch and TBE backward. As there is no overlap between prefetch and backward, we can decrement either before or after backward. It's better to decrement before lxu_cache_locations gets updated. 3. update lxu_cache_locations to address the cache inconsistency issue. In the case that the same index is not inserted into cache in batch_i, but it is inserted in batch_{i+1}, the cache can be invalid in the sense that the cached weight for this index does not have the backward update of batch_i. Example of the issue is as follows: idx is in batch_i, batch_{i+1} prefetch(batch_i) - failed to insert idx into cache, cache_locations_batch_i of idx is -1 (cache miss) forward(batch_i) prefetch(batch_{i+1}) - insert idx into cache, cache is loaded from host memory backward(batch_i) - cache_locations_batch_i of idx is -1, the host memory is updated forward(batch_{i+1}) - OUTPUT IS WRONG. the weight for idx is fetched from cache, but the cache is outdated. The fix to this cache inconsistency is to update the cache_locations_batch_i before backward of batch_i, so that the cache gets updated correctly by the backward pass of TBE. """ if self.prefetch_stream is not None: # need to wait for the prefetch of next batch, # so that cache states are valid with self._recording_to_timer( self.bwd_wait_prefetch_timer, context=self.step, stream=torch.cuda.current_stream(), ): torch.cuda.current_stream().wait_stream(self.prefetch_stream) torch.ops.fbgemm.lxu_cache_locking_counter_decrement( self.lxu_cache_locking_counter, self.lxu_cache_locations, ) # Recompute linear_cache_indices linear_cache_indices = torch.ops.fbgemm.linearize_cache_indices( self.cache_hash_size_cumsum, self._indices, self._offsets, self._vbe_B_offsets, self._vbe_max_B, ) ( linear_unique_indices, linear_unique_indices_length, _, ) = torch.ops.fbgemm.get_unique_indices( linear_cache_indices, self.total_cache_hash_size, compute_count=False, ) torch.ops.fbgemm.lxu_cache_lookup( linear_unique_indices, self.lxu_cache_state, self.total_cache_hash_size, gather_cache_stats=False, # not collecting cache stats num_uniq_cache_indices=linear_unique_indices_length, lxu_cache_locations_output=self.lxu_cache_locations, ) def _init_uvm_cache_counter(self, cache_sets: int, persistent: bool) -> None: if self.prefetch_pipeline and persistent: self.register_buffer( "lxu_cache_locking_counter", torch.zeros( cache_sets, DEFAULT_ASSOC, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int32, ), ) else: self.register_buffer( "lxu_cache_locking_counter", torch.zeros([0, 0], dtype=torch.int32, device=self.current_device), persistent=persistent, ) def _init_uvm_cache_stats(self) -> None: if not self.gather_uvm_cache_stats: # If uvm_cache_stats is not enabled, register stub entries via buffer to state_dict for TorchScript to JIT properly. # Since we're not using these variables, we can choose minimize tensor size to keep state_dict size small. self.register_buffer( "uvm_cache_stats", torch.zeros( 1, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64, ), persistent=False, ) self.register_buffer( "local_uvm_cache_stats", torch.zeros( 1, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int32, ), persistent=False, ) else: self.register_buffer( "uvm_cache_stats", torch.zeros( size=(self.uvm_cache_stats_size,), device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64, ), ) self.register_buffer( "local_uvm_cache_stats", torch.zeros( size=(self.uvm_cache_stats_size,), device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int32, ), ) self.reset_uvm_cache_stats() self.last_uvm_cache_print_state = torch.zeros_like(self.uvm_cache_stats) def reset_cache_states(self) -> None: if not self.lxu_cache_weights.numel(): return self.lxu_cache_state.fill_(-1) self.lxu_state.fill_(0) self.timestep = 1 def reset_embedding_weight_momentum( self, pruned_indices: Tensor, pruned_indices_offsets: Tensor, logical_table_ids: Tensor, buffer_ids: Tensor, ) -> None: if self.optimizer == OptimType.NONE: raise NotImplementedError( f"Resetting embedding weight momentum is not supported for {self.optimizer}" ) total_cache_hash_size = 0 if isinstance(self.total_cache_hash_size, Tensor): total_cache_hash_size = self.total_cache_hash_size.item() else: total_cache_hash_size = self.total_cache_hash_size rowwise = self.optimizer in [ OptimType.EXACT_ROWWISE_ADAGRAD, ] if rowwise: torch.ops.fbgemm.reset_weight_momentum( dev_weights=self.weights_dev, uvm_weights=self.weights_uvm, lxu_cache_weights=self.lxu_cache_weights, weights_placements=self.weights_placements, weights_offsets=self.weights_offsets, momentum1_dev=self.momentum1_dev, momentum1_uvm=self.momentum1_uvm, momentum1_placements=self.momentum1_placements, momentum1_offsets=self.momentum1_offsets, D_offsets=self.D_offsets,, device=self.current_device ),,, cache_hash_size_cumsum=self.cache_hash_size_cumsum, lxu_cache_state=self.lxu_cache_state, total_cache_hash_size=total_cache_hash_size, ) def prepare_inputs( self, indices: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, per_sample_weights: Optional[Tensor] = None, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, force_cast_input_types: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Optional[Tensor], invokers.lookup_args.VBEMetadata]: """ Prepare TBE inputs as follows: (1) Create VBE metadata (2) Convert input types if `force_cast_input_types=True` (3) Run `bounds_check_indices` if `bounds_check_mode` is not BoundsCheckMode.NONE Args: indices (Tensor): Input indices offsets (Tensor): Input offsets per_sample_weights (Optional[Tensor]): Input per sample weights batch_size_per_feature_per_rank (Optional[List[List[int]]]): A 2D tensor of batch size for each rank and feature. Shape = (number of features, number of ranks) force_cast_input_types (bool): A flag to force convert input types if set to True Returns: A tuple of indices, offsets, per_sample_weights, and VBE metadata """ # Generate VBE metadata vbe_metadata = self._generate_vbe_metadata( offsets, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank ) # TODO: remove this and add an assert after updating # bounds_check_indices to support different indices type and offset # type force_cast_input_types = ( indices.dtype != offsets.dtype or force_cast_input_types ) if force_cast_input_types: # Force casting indices and offsets to long (indices, offsets) = indices.long(), offsets.long() # Force casting per_sample_weights to float if per_sample_weights is not None: per_sample_weights = per_sample_weights.float() if self.bounds_check_mode_int != BoundsCheckMode.NONE.value: torch.ops.fbgemm.bounds_check_indices( self.rows_per_table, indices, offsets, self.bounds_check_mode_int, self.bounds_check_warning, per_sample_weights, B_offsets=vbe_metadata.B_offsets, max_B=vbe_metadata.max_B, ) return indices, offsets, per_sample_weights, vbe_metadata def _debug_print_input_stats_factory(self) -> Callable[..., None]: """ If the environment variable FBGEMM_DEBUG_PRINT_INPUT_STATS=1, return a function pointer of a function that prints input stats including weighted/unweighted, number of features, batch size, average pooling factor, total number of indices, number of unique indices, and number of indices that goes through the different backward functions. Otherwise, return a dummy function pointer. """ @torch.jit.ignore def _debug_print_input_stats_factory_impl( indices: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, per_sample_weights: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> None: """ Print input stats (for debugging purpose only) Args: indices (Tensor): Input indices offsets (Tensor): Input offsets per_sample_weights (Optional[Tensor]): Input per sample weights """ if self.debug_step % 100 == 0: # Get number of features (T) and batch size (B) T = len(self.feature_table_map) B = (offsets.numel() - 1) // T # Transfer hash_size_cumsum, indices and offsets to CPU hash_size_cumsum_cpu = self.hash_size_cumsum.cpu() indices_cpu = indices.cpu() offsets_cpu = offsets.cpu() # Compute linear indices for t in range(T): start = offsets_cpu[B * t].item() end = offsets_cpu[B * (t + 1)].item() indices_cpu[start:end] += hash_size_cumsum_cpu[t] # Compute unique indices uniq_indices_cpu, counts = indices_cpu.unique(return_counts=True) # Compute num unique indices num_uniq_indices = uniq_indices_cpu.numel() # The warp_per_row kernel handles indices that their # segment lengths <= 32 # # The cta_per_row kernel handles indices that their # segment lengths > 32. A single thread block is used # if segment lengths <= 1024. Otherwise, multiple # thread blocks are used. # # Counts of indices that segment lengths <= 32 counts_warp_per_row = counts[counts <= 32] counts_cta_per_row = counts[counts > 32] # Counts of indices that segment lengths > 32 and <= 1024 counts_cta_per_row_sth = counts_cta_per_row[counts_cta_per_row <= 1024] # Counts of indices that segment lengths > 1024 counts_cta_per_row_mth = counts_cta_per_row[counts_cta_per_row > 1024] def compute_numel_and_avg(counts: Tensor) -> Tuple[int, float]: numel = counts.numel() avg = (counts.sum().item() / numel) if numel != 0 else -1.0 return numel, avg # warp_per_row stats num_warp_per_row, avg_seglen_warp_per_row = compute_numel_and_avg( counts_warp_per_row ) # cta_per_row using a single thread block stats num_cta_per_row_sth, avg_seglen_cta_per_row_sth = compute_numel_and_avg( counts_cta_per_row_sth ) # cta_per_row using multiple thread block stats num_cta_per_row_mth, avg_seglen_cta_per_row_mth = compute_numel_and_avg( counts_cta_per_row_mth ) assert num_uniq_indices == ( num_warp_per_row + num_cta_per_row_sth + num_cta_per_row_mth ) self.log( "TBE_DEBUG: " "weighted {} " "num features {} " "batch size {} " "avg pooling factor {:.2f} " "total num indices {} " "num unique indices {} " "num warp_per_row {} (avg segment length {:.2f}) " "num cta_per_row single thread block (avg segment length) {} ({:.2f}) " "num cta_per_row multiple thread blocks (avg segment length) {} ({:.2f})".format( per_sample_weights is not None, T, B, indices.numel() / (B * T), indices.numel(), num_uniq_indices, num_warp_per_row, avg_seglen_warp_per_row, num_cta_per_row_sth, avg_seglen_cta_per_row_sth, num_cta_per_row_mth, avg_seglen_cta_per_row_mth, ) ) self.debug_step += 1 @torch.jit.ignore def _debug_print_input_stats_factory_null( indices: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, per_sample_weights: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> None: pass if int(os.environ.get("FBGEMM_DEBUG_PRINT_INPUT_STATS", "0")) == 1: self.debug_step = 0 return _debug_print_input_stats_factory_impl return _debug_print_input_stats_factory_null
class DenseTableBatchedEmbeddingBagsCodegen(nn.Module): """ Table-batched version of nn.EmbeddingBag(sparse=False) """ weights: Tensor weights_offsets: Tensor D_offsets: Tensor total_D: int max_D: int hash_size_cumsum: Tensor total_hash_size_bits: int embedding_specs: List[Tuple[int, int]] def __init__( self, embedding_specs: List[Tuple[int, int]], # tuple of (rows, dims) feature_table_map: Optional[List[int]] = None, # [T] weights_precision: SparseType = SparseType.FP32, pooling_mode: PoolingMode = PoolingMode.SUM, use_cpu: bool = False, output_dtype: SparseType = SparseType.FP32, use_mtia: bool = False, ) -> None: # noqa C901 # tuple of (rows, dims,) super(DenseTableBatchedEmbeddingBagsCodegen, self).__init__() self.pooling_mode = pooling_mode self.weights_precision = weights_precision self.output_dtype: int = output_dtype.as_int() table_embedding_dtype = weights_precision.as_dtype() self.use_cpu: bool = use_cpu self.use_mtia: bool = use_mtia assert not (use_cpu and use_mtia), "Cannot use CPU and MTIA at the same time" if self.use_cpu or self.pooling_mode == PoolingMode.NONE: assert output_dtype in [ SparseType.FP32, SparseType.FP16, SparseType.BF16, ], "Fused pooled embedding quantization only supported for cuda." # pyre-fixme[8]: Attribute has type `device`; used as `Union[int, device]`. self.current_device: torch.device = ( torch.device("cpu") if self.use_cpu else ( torch.device(f"mtia:{torch.mtia.current_device()}") if self.use_mtia else torch.cuda.current_device() ) ) self.embedding_specs = embedding_specs (rows, dims) = zip(*embedding_specs) T_ = len(self.embedding_specs) assert T_ > 0 feature_table_map = ( feature_table_map if feature_table_map is not None else list(range(T_)) ) T = len(feature_table_map) assert T_ <= T feature_dims = [dims[t] for t in feature_table_map] D_offsets = [0] + list(accumulate(feature_dims)) self.total_D = D_offsets[-1] self.max_D = max(dims) self.register_buffer( "D_offsets", torch.tensor(D_offsets, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int32), ) assert self.D_offsets.numel() == T + 1 # Required for VBE self.register_buffer( "feature_dims", torch.tensor(feature_dims, device="cpu", dtype=torch.int64), ) hash_size_cumsum = [0] + list(accumulate(rows)) if hash_size_cumsum[-1] == 0: self.total_hash_size_bits: int = 0 else: self.total_hash_size_bits: int = int(log2(float(hash_size_cumsum[-1])) + 1) # The last element is to easily access # of rows of each table by # hash_size_cumsum[t + 1] - hash_size_cumsum[t] hash_size_cumsum = [hash_size_cumsum[t] for t in feature_table_map] + [ hash_size_cumsum[-1] ] self.register_buffer( "hash_size_cumsum", torch.tensor( hash_size_cumsum, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64 ), ) weights_offsets = [0] + list( accumulate([row * dim for (row, dim) in embedding_specs]) ) self.weights = nn.Parameter( torch.randn( weights_offsets[-1], device=self.current_device, dtype=table_embedding_dtype, ) ) for feature in range(T): t = feature_table_map[feature] row, dim = embedding_specs[t] if ( self.weights[weights_offsets[t] : weights_offsets[t + 1]].numel() != row * dim ): f"row {row} dim {dim} feature {feature} t {t} {self.weights[weights_offsets[t] : weights_offsets[t + 1]].numel()}" ) assert ( self.weights[weights_offsets[t] : weights_offsets[t + 1]].numel() == row * dim ) assert self.hash_size_cumsum[feature] == sum( row for (row, _) in embedding_specs[:t] ) self.weights_physical_offsets: List[int] = weights_offsets weights_offsets = [weights_offsets[t] for t in feature_table_map] self.register_buffer( "weights_offsets", torch.tensor( weights_offsets, device=self.current_device, dtype=torch.int64 ), ) @torch.jit.ignore def _generate_vbe_metadata( self, offsets: Tensor, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank: Optional[List[List[int]]], ) -> invokers.lookup_args.VBEMetadata: # Blocking D2H copy, but only runs at first call self.feature_dims = self.feature_dims.cpu() return generate_vbe_metadata( offsets, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank, OptimType.NONE, self.pooling_mode, self.feature_dims, self.current_device, ) def forward( self, indices: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, per_sample_weights: Optional[Tensor] = None, feature_requires_grad: Optional[Tensor] = None, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, ) -> Tensor: # Generate VBE metadata vbe_metadata = self._generate_vbe_metadata( offsets, batch_size_per_feature_per_rank ) (indices, offsets) = indices.long(), offsets.long() # Force casting per_sample_weights to float if per_sample_weights is not None: per_sample_weights = per_sample_weights.float() return torch.ops.fbgemm.dense_embedding_codegen_lookup_function( dev_weights=self.weights, weights_offsets=self.weights_offsets, D_offsets=self.D_offsets, total_D=self.total_D, max_D=self.max_D, hash_size_cumsum=self.hash_size_cumsum, total_hash_size_bits=self.total_hash_size_bits, indices=indices, offsets=offsets, pooling_mode=self.pooling_mode, indice_weights=per_sample_weights, feature_requires_grad=feature_requires_grad, output_dtype=self.output_dtype, B_offsets=vbe_metadata.B_offsets, vbe_output_offsets_feature_rank=vbe_metadata.output_offsets_feature_rank, vbe_B_offsets_rank_per_feature=vbe_metadata.B_offsets_rank_per_feature, max_B=vbe_metadata.max_B, max_B_feature_rank=vbe_metadata.max_B_feature_rank, vbe_output_size=vbe_metadata.output_size, ) @torch.jit.export def split_embedding_weights(self) -> List[Tensor]: """ Returns a list of weights, split by table """ splits = [] for t, (rows, dim) in enumerate(self.embedding_specs): offset = self.weights_physical_offsets[t] splits.append( self.weights.detach()[offset : offset + rows * dim].view(rows, dim) ) return splits def init_embedding_weights_uniform(self, min_val: float, max_val: float) -> None: splits = self.split_embedding_weights() for param in splits: param.uniform_(min_val, max_val)


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